West hills, Cheerleading has always been a big part representing our school.
They’re full of spirit and always able to get a crowd pumped But today, is
that how they are perceived?
We have a freshmen, JV, and varsity team that
are always involved in school functions as well
as cheering on players at football, basketball, wrestling, and
water polo games. Cheerleading began as a spirit squad to get our
school excited and pumped at events, but is that still what they do?
“When my mom went to school,
cheerleaders here were so spirited. They travelled and took 1st
place in almost every competition. do only do a few chants.” –Kylie
Cristini (Senior at WHHS)
“Cheerleaders have become a
very popular subject, at the time of their season, some in not so
many good ways. At this point in my High School years I’ve
realized, it doesn’t matter if you do anything wrong or not, but you will
always be seen in a different way than just a normal student. Many of the
girls just seem rude and high maintenance, while some who
have become my close friends are very nice and easy to get
along with.” –Anthony Naderhoff (Senior at WHHS)
For all the years West hills has done
competition, they have been known to take the floor and
kill it. They’re the best competitive cheer squad in Grossmont District,
coming head to head with Granite Hills. The girls who join the squads
are dedicated and know the time and effort they must put in to
have an amazing routine. Unfortunately, in the past 2 years, the program has fallen
apart. Do you think that West Hills cheerleaders are
as focused on districts as they used to be?

Overall, West Hills cheerleaders
have made such a difference to our school. Although some may not be as dedicated
as others, they form as one, making one of the best teams in Grossmont