My bio

Birth Date and Place
     I was born on April 6, 1995 at Grossmont Hospital.

Family Members
     My mothers name is Angela Markin. She is a secretary at a company called Rainbow Steele. 7 years ago, she had my little brother, Landen. He is currently in second grade and is very talented in both football and baseball.

Childhood and School Life
     At the age of 9, I did a back-tuck into the pool and didnt fully make it into the water. I was immediately rushed to the hospital, where they had told me my skull had been split so far open you could see my brain. I recieved 9 staples to my forehead. At the age of 13, I was messing around on the monkey bars, fell off, fracturing both my arms in 3 places. I had casts on for 10 weeks. At the age of 14, a few friends and I went to a church camp, where I tripped and slammed my head into a rock, barely missing my left temple. Any closer and the doctor told me I would have passed away instantly. I have been in many bad and painful situations, but all of the describe a little part of me
     I started school at a private school, Mt. Helix Academy. I went there till 4th grade. During 5th-8th grade, I switched to Carlton Oaks. Now I have been enjoying my high school years at West Hills, where I am currently a senior.

Hobbies, Interests, and Activities
     Ever since I was young I have always been really active. My sports were both soccer and softball. Every year I alwasy became the fastest on the team. I was a natural at soccer, making most of the plays and goals. The intensity of the games was my favorite part. Softball then became my life. I went from regular season, to All-Stars, to winterball. It consumed my entire life. After 7 years of the same routine, I grew tired and stopped playing. wWorst mistake was giving up the thing I loved most. 
     Today I'min high school and during all 4 years I have pursued cheerleading. I became both a good tumnbler and base. Sophomore year I took cheer farther and joined thye competitive side, CheerForce. The experience was like no other and I wish I could do just one more year. I have also been apart of West Hills ASB for junior and senior year. I have made so many memories and have appreciated every second.

     I have always been really outgoing. I am willing to takl to anyone and take the lead of a group of people. Being a cheerleader I can pump up a crowd or give a performance. I am really adventurous amd am rarely sitting at home doing nothing.
     Another trait I carry is being very stubborn. I can be very nice most of the time, but if someone says or does something to make me mad, my entire attitude changes. For example, I was in Mr. Mergens class for Pre-Calc and he would only constantly yeoll at me for talking. This happened almost everyday and I finally went off. I didn't do it intentionally, but I spoke before I thought and recieved a referral for my actions.
     Ever since the 6th grade I have always been interested in the shows CSI and Criminal Minds. Being a risk taker, I felt I would be great in the field of Forensic Science. It has become a passion of mine and I can't wait to pursue it down the road.

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